1 year weekend Top-Up degree for part-professional qualified students (HND, CIMA, CIM, SLIM etc.) or 3 year weekend program for school leavers and working professionals

Students who are with their A/Level results and their parents who are looking for a quality higher education in the field of business should look in to the aspects of cost, quality, learning outcome, paid internships and employability upon graduation.

Cost, Quality and Learning Outcome The options that are at hand are numerous in terms of studying overseas to completing a business degree right here in Sri Lanka. If your son/daughter flies overseas to Australia, United Kingdom or United States the cost per year will be around Rs. 3.5 million and by the time they complete the degree the total cost will go beyond 11 million for a General BBA or over 14 million for an honors degree.

There is no argument that the quality of delivery and learning outcome is different to studying in a local university which will transform their life to a different level.

Obtain the Same qualification right here with the same quality and learning outcome
If you have the option to study for a Degree from One of the Leading Business Schools in the European union with strict program delivery quality control from the University and a learning outcome better than any Commonwealth University degree on offer and most importantly at a cost of less that 30% of one year’s cost of studying overseas, surely this is the best news for Sri Lankan students and parents.

Whether you can afford the cost of sending your child overseas or not, it is worth looking at an option that will provide our own children to study right here in Sri Lanka and obtain one of the best BBA Degrees from one of the top 6 Business schools in France, European Union

AIC Campus School of Business – BBA International Business with Marketing
American International Campus (AIC Campus) in partnership with IPAC Business School a Business School among the top 6 in France offer the BBA in International Business with Marketing with three options.
• Complete your BBA in Sri Lanka at AIC Campus in Three years –Full Time/Part time
• Complete the first two years in Sri Lanka and Transfer to IPAC France to Complete the Degree in English Medium.
• One year top up degree for part qualified professionals with HND/CIM/SLIM/IBSL etc.

BBA in International Business with Marketing a Dual qualification is structured within the European Qualification framework and the degree is recognized in all 27 EU member states as well as all leading countries such as USA, Australia, New Zealand, Canada and UK.

Why IPAC Business Degree? – Affordability, Flexibility and Employability
• One of the most highly ranked Business Schools in France, European Union.
• Most affordable BBA in the Country from the Leading European Union Nation.
• Lectures delivered by highly qualified and industry experienced panel of lectures selected jointly by AIC Campus and IPAC.
• Key modules delivered by visiting faculty members from France
• Final exa
mination held at the same day and time as France to maintain the quality and reputation of the qualification awarded. • All case studies and examinations marked by Local Lecture panel and a panel of academics from IPAC Business School to ensure transparency and quality
• Guaranteed Paid Internships in Leading Companies in Sri Lanka during the final year as per the recommendation and guidelines of the University.
• If a student transfer to IPAC France for the final year guaranteed paid internships in France and 18 months’ work permit upon graduation to work in France.
• Opportunity to travel to France for the Graduation
• All Graduates are entitled for “Europass”. This will provide the graduates the easy access to postgraduate study and employment opportunities among the 27 EU Member Nations.

For the first time in Sri Lanka AIC Campus provide Part time and full time study option for the BBA degree and also the transfer option after two years. The only institution in the Country that provide multiple options for a Single program for students.

If you are looking to be different and a Business Qualification that will provide an edge over your peers to be employed within weeks of graduation, Please call AIC Campus today for more information and enrolment for the February intake on 0768268165 or AIC Campus Kandy on 0777 230 033