Uvindu Premaratna, past student from St.Thomas College Mount Lavinea talks about his experience in studying Engineering in BNTU (Belarussian National Technical University) @bntu Minsk Republic of Belarus. Uvindu comes from a sporting background at St.Thomas and he captained the school Rowing Team for several years. Uvindu is one of the most active Sri Lankan students at BNTU and he takes part in many other activities inside the university. “The university hostels are just like hotels” says Uvindu. These hostels were built for 2019 European Games that was held in Minsk Belarus and students are now using the hostels build for these European athletes as their housing. “Choose European University Transfer Program (EUTP) at @aiccampus and you will achieve your Engineering dream” states Uvindu. To learn more about how to join Sri Lanka`s most affordable Engineering and Business Univerisity Transfer program with internships and work placements in Europe - visit our AIC Campus website https://www.aicedu.lk or call us on +94 (77) 977 9776 #rowingchampion #stcmountlavinia #engineering #engineeryourcareer #studyinfrance #studyinbelarus #furureengineer